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With the aim of achieving positive results through administrative organization and legal procedures, Thuim Jurídica was designed to advise clients, connect lawyers and law firms in different spheres of Law.


Perform our work with excellence, in an innovative way, contribute and promote changes capable of providing well-being and renewal to those directly or indirectly involved in our cases.


May Thuim Jurídica be a reference as operators of the Law, for innovating and creating new partnerships that aim at mutual cooperation and follow the constant changes in society and its customs, however, in line with the Laws.           


Cristiano Oliveira

Cristiano Oliveira

He graduated in Law from UNIP.

Bachelor of Music, businessperson, creator and administrator of Thuim Jurídica.

Justice,  Transparency, Honesty, Commitment,  Respect, Humility, Social responsibility, Search for Knowledge, Innovation and Courage.

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